Health Services
The licensed school nurse together with the health assistants strive to maintain, improve, and promote good health for students. First aid, care of illness, medication administration and other health procedures are done through the school health office. Each student visit to the office is documented. Our staff provides and plans direct services for students needing health services, coordinates hearing and vision screenings which includes making referrals, immunization review and provides health consultation and education to students, staff and families.
Hand washing remains the single most effective way of reducing illness such as colds, flu and other communicable diseases.
Getting 8-10 hours of sleep is important for students of all ages. Set appropriate bedtimes and help your child get in the habit of going to bed on time.
Good nutrition is directly related to the ability to learn. Make sure you encourage a good breakfast for your child every morning. Be a good example at home by eating healthy.
Good attendance is critical for learning.
Regular exams with medical and dental providers help to prevent health problems.
Daily physical activity is very important as is limiting your child’s time watching TV, playing video games and using their cell phone.