
To report your student's absence, please call DLMS at 218-847-9228 and leave a message on our attendance line by pressing 1.   

School attendance is the combined responsibility of the student, the parents, and the school.  A student can readily make up missed assignments, but missed class time cannot be replaced.  Therefore, for a student to realize their full learning potential, daily class attendance is important.

   Students are expected to:

·   Attend school for all days of the established school calendar.

·   Appear in class on time, prepared for academic endeavors.

·   When absent, contact teachers upon return to plan for makeup work.

·   Complete work as assigned by the teacher when an advanced make-up slip is presented for a planned absence.

·   For advanced make-up slips, go to the office, have teachers sign the form and return it to the office.

 An excused absence is an absence from school for reasons recognized by the State of Minnesota, the Detroit Lakes Public School or those deemed legitimate by the administration of the school.  The State of Minnesota recognizes the following reasons for absences:  personal illness, death or medical emergency in the immediate family, and inclement weather.  Other reasons that could be acknowledged as excused are those that are requested in advance such as medical or legal appointments, religious activities, travel, essential work at home and family vacations.  Any absence for participation in a school-sponsored activity shall be considered an excused absence.

 An unexcused absence is an absence from school without a valid excuse.  Common examples of unexcused absences include: oversleeping, shopping, hair appointments, missing the bus, non-essential work at home, and part or full time work.

 Whenever possible, the school should be contacted between 7:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.  If it is not possible to call the school between those hours you can call and leave a message on the voice mail.  If it is not possible to contact the school on the day of the absence, a note signed by a parent/guardian or a phone call from the parent/guardian indicating the reason for the absence is required upon the return of the child to school.  The principal/assistant principal shall determine if the absence will be excused or unexcused.  If the school does not receive a note or phone call when the child returns to school, the absence will be classified as unexcused until a note or phone call is received.  The district reserves the right to require a signed note from a doctor or other appropriate medical personnel for absences due to illness or other medical reasons. Students attendance of sibling school programs must be accompanied by a parent.  Attendance of programs by “friends” at school performances is prohibited.

 A child who is subject to the compulsory attendance laws and is absent from instruction in our middle school for three or more class periods on three days without a valid excuse will be classified as a continuing truant.  If this happens the assistant principal will notify the child’s parent/guardian by phone or mail.  On the seventh unexcused absence, the county attorney will be notified, requesting a petition of truancy be filed.

Contact Information


Stefanie Eidenschink
Administrative Assistant
218-847-9228, ext. 3101